Home > Featured News > (NOV to DEC 2022 Highlights)Update – Closing off report of 2022
Click above to see sessions & session attendance for November 2022.
Click above to see sessions & session attendance for December 2022.
Coming to the end of 2022, the Vincy Table Tennis Foundation would like to say that we are please with the work done for the past year. A few months were low in numbers but 75% of the year had acceptable turnouts. We also hope to improve on the continuity and numbers as it relates to table tennis coaching programmes/sessions for year 2023.
November 2022: the national Inter Primary and Secondary School table tennis competition came to an end after running for eight days. This was one of the highlights for the VTTF, because the attendance was made up of 80-90% of schools where the Foundation has ongoing coaching programmes or equipments to use for table tennis purpose.
December: In this month the attendance and sessions will be low, because schools and homes will be filled with Christmas activities. Despite that the Foundation’s goal at this time was to do as much session possible to close out the year.